Natural or Clean Botox Injections? Don’t Get Fooled By Advertising
I’ve had a number of patients ask me recently about natural injections for wrinkles, they’ve heard of clinics offering a product that is supposed to be a more natural form of, or the ‘purist’ form of botox- aka cleaner or safer than regular botox. Given the way these clinics are advertising “we use only the purist form of neuromodulators”, it is easy to see how patients would assume this means it’s a better product for you, assume they would be getting a healthier version of the treatment, and in turn, want to get their injections done at that clinic. Don’t succumb to misleading advertising! Yes there are differences between the various products available for wrinkle-relaxing, but these differences do not equate to one being healthier or more natural than the others. So this months blog is all about dispelling natural botox myths, breaking down basics of botox, the differences between the products on the market and what these differences really mean for the consumer.
Everyone refers to it as getting ‘botox’, but it’s time to correct your lingo, there are actually 4 types of wrinkle-relaxing preparations commercially available for dermatological application in Canada, and Botox is just one of them: OnabotulinumtoxinA marketed as BOTOX/BOTOX Cosmetic, abobotulinumtoxinA as Dysport, incobotulinumtoxinA as Xeomin, prabotulinumtoxinA as Jeuveau. Collectively, these drugs are known as neuromodulators. Botox was the first on the market, so much like Kleenex is to tissue, Botox is often inappropriately used to describe all botunlinum toxin A (BoNTA) therapy. So now that you’re in the know, I’ll be using the correct terms for anti-wrinkle injections – neuromodulators or BoNTA.
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