IV Iron Infusions at Mint

A crucial aspect of Women’s Healthcare & Pregnancy Care


The Iron Epidemic.

1 in 4 women are iron deficient. So what?

It’s a problem that too many women don’t know they have and don’t know how to effectively treat. When you say you’re tired, cold, suffer from brain fog, are losing hair, feel weak and are short of breath you’re likely iron deficient. Get tested. We can do that.

You may not be able to keep up iron amounts in your diet because it’s an easily blocked mineral and has to have just the right internal environment to be absorbed. Some people just don’t even respond to oral iron. Your ferritin might just always stay at a 27 and that’s not ok. Add that to the loss of iron from menstrual bleeding over time and we have an epidemic. Each normal menstrual cycle loses about 1 mg of iron per day.

Why Infusions vs Oral?

Oral iron is not always tolerated because of side effects and does not have the best compliance rates. It can take 6-12 months to get iron levels up to normal and that’s only if you are able to solve the reason for the deficiency. Chasing optimal iron levels can be very frustrating for a lot of people. Infusions are a safe and effective way to get iron levels up typically with a single infusion for people who aren’t able to effectively take oral iron.

Iron and Pregnancy (Before, During and After).

Are you iron deficient before conception?

It’s important to get levels up to normal before conceiving so that you are able to have the best start to your pregnancy possible. Many iron deficient women will get an infusion prior to conception in order to ensure optimal levels.

Are you iron deficient during pregnancy?

Women can lose up to 1,000 mg of iron in pregnancy. Up to 65% of pregnant women are iron deficient by the 3rd trimester. There are health impacts to the mother and baby when iron deficiency is not corrected. The second and third trimester are safe times to get an iron infusion. If you are at 30 weeks and are still iron deficient there may not be enough time to correct it with oral iron. Iron deficiency is a risk factor for preterm delivery, low birth weight and infant health post delivery.

Are you iron deficient postpartum?

Women can lose another 250 mg of iron during vaginal delivery and 500 mg from C-section. The postpartum time can already be challenging for mom’s energy and mental health. Add iron deficiency to this important and crucial season and it can make the postpartum experience much more needlessly difficult.

Iron infusions are fast, safe and highly effective ways to make vital changes to your daily life and health. It could be as easy as one and done.

Speak to your healthcare provider about whether iron infusions at Mint Integrative Health are an option for you. Iron is often covered by extended health plans. We work directly with pharmacies to expedite the prescription, coverage and delivery of your iron for prompt infusing.



Dr. Bobby Parmar ND RAc


1. What is the process to get an IV? 

Your doctor can refer directly to Mint. The referral must include a ferritin result from the last 3 months below a certain level that determines the dosage. You would be a candidate for at least one IV iron infusion if your level is below 50.

If you don’t have a doctor’s referral (or it’s missing a ferritin lab value), you can book in with any of our doctors for a history and hematology/ferritin requisition. After that, as soon as we have your results (assuming a ferritin less than 50 is confirmed), you can book in for an iron infusion with Dr. Maximus at Mint.

2. How often and what types of iron infusions do you provide? Are they single dose, or recurring?

If you are not pregnant, we use:

Monoferric (1,000mg) if ferritin is <30ug/L, and Monoferric (500mg) if ferritin is >30ug/L.

Most will only need one infusion, but we would confirm 4-6 weeks after your first infusion with follow-up labwork (which we will provide), and book a second infusion if needed at that point.

If you are pregnant, we use:

Venofer (200mg) twice/week, usually completing up to 5 treatments (1,000mg total), and re-testing 4-6 weeks after the first series to confirm if further infusions are needed.

3. What are the costs for each type of infusion?

Monoferric 1,000mg (if ferritin is <30): infusion ($235) + 1,000mg dose ($600) = $835. This is likely a one time treatment unless the underlying cause of iron deficiency is not corrected.

Monoferric 500mg (if ferritin is >30): infusion ($235) + 500mg dose ($320) = $555 once OR twice, depending on how high your levels rise after the first.

Venofer 200mg (if pregnant and ferritin is <50): infusion ($150) + 200mg dose ($125) = $360 up to five times, totalling 1,000mg, before re-testing.

4. How long does an iron IV take?

Be prepared to spend up to 90 minutes in the clinic on your first visit. Your initial visit and first infusion(s) will be done more slowly, and once accustomed, any further infusions will be quicker. The infusion itself will take 20-60 minutes within that time.

5. What would I need to bring in with me? How recent of blood work would you need, and which items are you looking for?

Recent blood work covering a full hematology panel, including ferritin. This costs about $100 out of pocket, if not done by your MD through MSP.

6. Are Iron Infusions covered under extended Health benefits?

If you have naturopathic coverage, the infusion ($235) may be wholly or partly covered depending on your insurance provider.

If you have drug coverage, the dose (Venofer or Monoferric) may be wholly or partly covered. If covered, we will arrange to have it shipped directly to our clinic. If not covered, we have it in-office, so no need to do anything on your part except show up for your infusion.

If you have any questions please contact the clinic.