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Naturopathic Skin Health Consultation

Do you have a skin concern? A naturopathic skin health assessment with Dr. Alaina Overton, ND is a complete assessment of your skin issues and what might be causing them.

Based on your assessment, Dr. Overton may recommend routine laboratory or other diagnostic testing, and will provide you with a plan specific to your skin picture. Treatment will address underlying factors such as hormonal imbalance, nutrient deficiency, stress and gut flora imbalance through dietary, lifestyle, at-home skin care and cosmetic skin rejuvenation treatments.

Dr. Overton treats a range of skin conditions, including but not limited to:

  • ACNE

Frequently Asked Questions About sKIN hEALTH aSSESSMENTS

How long is the visit with the doctor?

This is a 60 minute in-depth consultation with Dr. Overton to get to the root of your skin issues. A complete health history will be conducted including physical exam. A follow-up visit is typically required to review any relevant lab or test findings, and get you set up on you custom skin care plan.

How often will I have to come in for visits?

Treatment plans and follow-up visits will vary with each patient, you will be able to discuss this with the doctor. 

Will the visit be covered by my extended health insurance?

Yes, many plans even allow for direct billing. Please contact your provider to determine what type of coverage you have for naturopathic health care and speak to our front desk about setting up direct billing to your insurer. 

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