Prenatal Chiropractic Care for a Healthier Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a beautiful journey, but it can come with discomfort and pain. Discover a natural solution that can alleviate these issues and support a healthier pregnancy—prenatal chiropractic care. In this post, we will explore the benefits of prenatal chiropractic care, including its safety, relief from common secondary conditions, and the effectiveness of specialized techniques like the Webster Technique. 


Safety and Effectiveness of Prenatal Chiropractic Adjustments

Prenatal chiropractic care prioritizes safety and employs gentle and modified techniques that are safe for both expectant mothers and their babies. With proper positioning during adjustments, pregnant women experience optimal comfort. Collaboration with other healthcare providers ensures comprehensive and coordinated care throughout the pregnancy journey.


Relief from Common Secondary Conditions during Pregnancy

Experience relief from common secondary conditions with prenatal chiropractic care. Here are some discomforts that can be alleviated:

  • Low back pain, sciatica, and mid-back pain: Find relief from the increased lumbar lordosis that often causes pain and discomfort during pregnancy. Prenatal chiropractic adjustments realign the spine and pelvis, reducing pressure on nerves and providing relief.
  • Headaches: Hormonal changes and postural shifts can lead to headaches. Gentle adjustments from prenatal chiropractors release tension in the neck and upper back, reducing the frequency and intensity of headaches.
  • Round ligament pain: Ease the tension in round ligaments that support the uterus. Prenatal chiropractic adjustments release tension, providing relief for mothers and creating more room for the growing baby.
  • Pubic bone pain/Pubic Symphysis Dysfunction (PSD): Address joint laxity-related pubic bone pain and PSD. Prenatal chiropractic adjustments restore balance and alignment in the pelvic region, reducing pain and improving stability.
  • Hip pain and changes in walking patterns: Alleviate hip pain, especially during side-lying. Prenatal chiropractic care addresses misalignments in the pelvis and hip joints, improving comfort and walking patterns.


The Webster Technique and its Benefits During Pregnancy

The Webster Technique is a specific chiropractic sacral analysis and diversified adjustment aimed at reducing the effects of sacral subluxation and sacroiliac (SI) joint dysfunction. This technique, as defined by the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA), focuses on facilitating neuro-biomechanical function in the pelvis, providing benefits for pregnant women.

Throughout pregnancy, hormonal and postural changes occur as the baby grows and the uterus expands. These changes can lead to discomfort and challenges in the pelvic region. The sacrum (the triangular bone at the base of the spine) and SI joints can become restricted, causing low back pain and associated muscle spasms. This restriction can result in a torsion or twist in the pelvis, which can place tension on the supporting round ligaments of the uterus. The round ligaments, consisting of muscle tissue, are a continuation of the uterine lining. When tense, they can cause pain in the lower front of the abdomen.

The Webster Technique aims to correct joint restrictions and alleviate tension in the surrounding muscles and ligaments. By addressing these issues, the technique helps restore proper alignment and function in the pelvis, reducing pulls or twists in the pelvic region. This can have a positive effect on a woman during her pregnancy, alleviating discomfort and promoting optimal pelvic function.

Prenatal chiropractic care offers numerous benefits for expectant mothers, providing relief from common secondary conditions and promoting overall well-being. Prioritize your comfort and health during this transformative time by exploring the benefits of prenatal chiropractic care.

If you’re considering prenatal chiropractic care, consult with one of the qualified prenatal chiropractors at Mint who understand the unique needs of pregnant women. They will develop a personalized treatment plan and collaborate with other healthcare providers to ensure comprehensive care. 

Both Dr Chamberlain and Dr White are certified in the Webster Technique. Furthermore, Dr Chamberlain completed her 200-hour post-doctorate program with the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association in 2008, earning her CACCP credentials with the Academy of Chiropractic Family Practice and is currently working towards getting her Perinatal Certification. 

Dr. Giselle Chamberlain


Additional reading:

ICPA – About the Webster Technique