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Chiropractic is concerned with the structural relationship between the spine, pelvis, and nervous system. During pregnancy a woman’s body undergoes physical changes as well as hormonal and emotional changes. Chiropractic can help make pregnancy more comfortable and more enjoyable by working with a woman’s quickly changing body. 

The body experiences very rapid change during pregnancy such as increased weight gain, change in posture, and hormones which relax stabilizing ligaments. The changes are vital for growth and arrival of baby, but they can also interfere with other areas of life. 

Common secondary conditions from this shift, which can be alleviated with Chiropractic care, include:

  1. An increase in lumbar lordosis (the curve in our back) which can lead to pain in the low back, sciatica, tailbone pain, midback and ribcage pain/tension. 
  2. Headaches
  3. Round ligament pain.  By releasing these ligaments it can decrease any pain or discomfort felt by mom and it is beneficial for baby by creating more room in utero.
  4. Pubic bone pain/ Pubic Symphysis Dysfunction.  
  5. Hip pain, commonly felt at night while in side-lying position. 
  6. Changes in walking patterns and pelvic movements (commonly referred to as the waddle)
Chiropractic care is a gentle, non-invasive approach to correcting and stabilizing the spine and pelvis. Completely safe throughout pregnancy, chiropractic care helps the body work better and ultimately, improve quality of life and potentially birth outcomes.


The Webster Technique, as defined by the ICPA, is a specific chiropractic sacral analysis anddiversified adjustment. The goal of the adjustment is to reduce the effects of sacral subluxation/SI joint dysfunction. In doing so, neuro-biomechanical function in the pelvis is facilitated.

The Webster Technique is beneficial at all stages of pregnancy. As the hormonal and posturalchanges occur as the baby grows and the uterus expands, the sacrum and SI joints can become restricted causing low back pain and associated muscle spasms. This can cause a torsion or twist in the pelvis, which in turn can cause tension in the supporting round ligaments of the uterus. These round ligaments are a continuation of the uterine lining, and therefore consist of muscle tissue which can become tense and even cause pain in the lower front of the abdomen. Correcting joint restrictions and any tension in the surrounding muscles and ligaments by using the Webster Technique can have a positive effect for a woman during her pregnancy by alleviating any pulls or twists in the pelvic region.

We have many birth professionals in Vancouver who refer their patients to us for the Webster Technique if they believe that their patient can benefit from this analysis and adjustment.


After baby arrives, chiropractic is used to help the body recover and adapt to the new physical and emotional challenges of motherhood.  Once the baby arrives, mom’s attention is focused on caring for the newborn. After delivery, the hormone relaxin, which keeps the ligaments soft and loose, is still produced for up to 6 months which increases vulnerability for joint pain.  In addition, holding baby and breastfeeding/bottle feeding put tremendous stress on the neck, upper back, shoulder region, arms and low back.

Chiropractic care can help alleviate many symptoms that new moms experience such as:

  1. Headaches
  2. Neck and shoulder tension
  3. Wrist and forearm problems such as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and deQuervain’s tenosynovitis (tendonitis of the thumb).
  4. Sore arches of the feet / plantar fasciitis 
  5. Low back pain
  6. Hip pain
  7. Pelvic pain
If you are experiencing pre and post-natal pains please reach out to your healthcare provider for options. Your chiropractor is always ready to assist you to help ensure you have a better pregnancy and motherhood.
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