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Testosterone Testing and Treatment

How to Raise Your Testosterone?

Testosterone is a hormone that plays a vital role in men’s health. It affects bone density, muscle mass, body fat distribution, red blood cell production, sex drive, and sperm production. However, as men age, their testosterone levels start to decline, which can lead to various health problems. In this blog, we will discuss low testosterone, also known as testosterone deficiency or hypogonadism, and its causes, symptoms, and treatments.

Causes of Low Testosterone

The most common cause of low testosterone is aging. As men get older, their bodies naturally produce less testosterone. Other causes of low testosterone include:

  • Injury or damage to the testicles: Trauma or injury to the testicles can cause testosterone levels to drop.

  • Testicular cancer: Treatment for testicular cancer, such as surgery or radiation, can reduce testosterone production.

  • Infection: Certain infections, such as mumps, can damage the testicles and reduce testosterone production.

  • Pituitary gland disorders: The pituitary gland controls the production of testosterone in the testicles. If this gland is damaged or doesn’t function properly, it can lead to low testosterone levels.

  • Obesity: Obesity can cause low testosterone levels due to the production of an enzyme called aromatase, which converts testosterone into estrogen.

Symptoms of Low Testosterone

The symptoms of low testosterone can vary from person to person and can develop slowly over time. Some common symptoms include:

  • Low sex drive: Testosterone is essential for a healthy sex drive, so low testosterone levels can lead to a decreased libido.

  • Erectile dysfunction: Testosterone helps with blood flow to the penis, so low levels can cause difficulty achieving and maintaining an erection.

  • Fatigue and brain fog: Low testosterone levels can lead to decreased energy levels and fatigue.

  • Decreased muscle mass and strength: Testosterone plays a role in muscle growth and strength, so low levels can result in decreased muscle mass and weakness.

  • Increased body fat: Testosterone helps regulate body fat distribution, so low levels can lead to an increase in body fat.

  • Depression and mood changes: Low testosterone levels can cause mood changes and depression.

Treatment of Low Testosterone

If you’re experiencing symptoms of low testosterone, it’s important to see a doctor. Dr. Paul Maximus ND can perform a blood test to confirm low testosterone levels and determine the cause. The blood test can include:

  • Total Testosterone,
  • Free Testosterone,
  • Bioavailable Testosterone,
  • SHBG
  • Estradiol
  • LH
  • Prolactin

and more depending on the person and their case.

The threshold for each lab value can be open to interpretation. Dr. Maximus is able to individualize your treatment approach based on your testing. Testosterone is not only a single measurement threshold. You can augment it, support it and optimize it. Dr. Maximus can help you feel better about the number and what to do about it.

Depending on the cause, treatment options for low testosterone are many and you deserve to have expert level counseling to get an in depth understanding of your options including:

  • Testosterone replacement therapy: This involves taking testosterone in the form of injections, gels, patches, or pellets to restore testosterone levels to normal. Consulting with Dr. Maximus will help guide appropriate referrals if needed.

  • Taking testosterone alone may not be the answer, especially since many men fail to continue to see the benefits after some time . Lifestyle changes are also crucial: Making healthy lifestyle changes, such as losing weight and exercising, can help improve testosterone levels.

  • Treating underlying conditions: If low testosterone is caused by an underlying condition, such as a pituitary gland disorder, treating that condition may restore testosterone levels. Male hormones are a complex subject that involves expert knowledge of all hormone systems.

Low testosterone is a common issue among aging men and can lead to a range of health problems. If you’re experiencing symptoms of low testosterone, it’s important to see a doctor for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan. Whether it’s testosterone replacement therapy, lifestyle changes, or treatment of an underlying condition, there are options available to help restore your testosterone levels and improve your overall health.

If you need a comprehensive assessment and tailored treatment plan, book in with Men’s Health ND Dr. Paul Maximus.

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