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No matter where you are in your fertility journey a thorough investigation and thoughtful treatment plan from a knowledgeable doctor should be your first step. We can help you optimize your health and realize your dream of getting pregnant, having a healthy pregnancy and creating a healthy family.


Fertility specialists will often say: “you must prepare the soil before you plant the seed.” The 3 months before conception, or the “pre-mester,” is a critical time for both partners to detoxify, balance hormones, and optimize body composition and health. Studies indicate this window in time may impact not only your fertility potential, but also the future health of your children, and their children. Conventional and naturopathic testing during this period can help identify imbalances that need to be addressed prior to conception. Ask us for more information about any of the following testing available:

  • Standard blood work

  • Food sensitivity and food allergy testing

  • Reproductive hormone testing

  • Thyroid testing

  • Nutrient testing

  • Adrenal stress tests

  • Autoimmune screening

  • Sperm testing


Natural fertility treatment is a noninvasive and holistic approach to infertility that identifies and treats the underlying cause of your fertility struggles using herbs, acupuncture, vitamins and minerals, nutrition and mind-body medicine. Common conditions that can be addressed through naturopathic treatments include:

PCOS and Other Ovulatory Disorders

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is a common condition affecting 4-6% of reproductive age women. PCOS develops when ovulation is absent or irregular for a length of time.  Because there are many reasons for irregular ovulation, there are many causes of PCOS. It is a complex disorder, where a number of genetic variants and environmental factors interact, combine and contribute to the pathophysiology.  

Many women with PCOS suffer from obesity, insulin resistance and difficulty with weight loss. They are often plagued by acne, hair loss, and unwanted facial and body hair due to excess androgens. Because ovulation is disrupted or absent, many women diagnosed with PCOS have difficulty conceiving if left untreated. These symptoms are often masked by birth control pills and are only discovered after the pills are discontinued. Naturopathic medicine is ideally suited for the assessment and treatment of PCOS. Furthermore, the first line therapy for treatment of PCOS includes diet and lifestyle modification. Because the syndrome affects every level of the reproductive system, a thorough investigation regarding the root cause of ovulatory dysfunction is often key to successful treatment.  While diet and exercise programs are an important step in the recovery process, many people with PCOS are unsuccessful in the long term until the underlying cause is addressed.

Male Factor Infertility

Despite decades of declining sperm counts, men (and their doctors) tend to neglect the male contribution to infertility problems. As most “male factor” infertility is silent, the only way to diagnose the issue is through testing. 

The first step is often a semen analysis. This analysis evaluates the count (number, movement and shape), motility, and morphology. For those attempting natural conception or intrauterine insemination (IUI), advanced testing such as the DNA fragmentation test is useful as this test will help diagnose unexplained infertility even when semen analysis is normal. 

Oxidative stress, the stress on the body that is caused by the cumulative damage of free radicals that is not adequately neutralized by antioxidants, is a main contributor to sperm DNA fragmentation. Sperm DNA fragmentation can be linked to infections, drug use, cigarette smoking, exposure to environmental and occupational pollutants, advanced age, varicocele, illnesses with high fevers, elevated testicular temperature (laptop computers, hot tubs), chronic diseases, diabetes, cancer and cancer treatment, obesity, and poor diet.  Optimizing sperm function through nutritional supplementation, diet and lifestyle changes can improve conception probabilities in as little as 3 months.

Advanced Maternal Age 

The birth rate for women in the 40-44 range doubled between 1988 and 2008. There are many reasons for the trend in delayed child bearing: more women are pursuing higher education and career advancement; many don’t find love until later in life; and, some don’t decide to add to their family until later in life. 

Regardless of the reason, women find it particularly distressing to hear there is no cure for old eggs when their advancing age is listed as a cause of their infertility. It is well documented that increasing age results in a decline in response to ovarian stimulation, reduced embryo quality and pregnancy rates, and an increased incidence of miscarriages and chromosomal disorders.  

Traditionally, the leading explanation regarding age-related decline in egg quality has been that the highest quality eggs are selected first during early reproductive years, leaving the poorer quality eggs for more advanced age. However, recent research suggests an alternative theory that provides hope that our fertility potential is not determined solely by our chronological age. It suggests that the process of aging itself may exert an unfavourable influence on the eggs that remain dormant in the ovary before being selected for ovulation. Aging and age-related diseases are frequently associated with mitochondrial dysfunction. This is thought to be the same process that ages the ovaries. 

Mitochondria can be thought of the battery pack found in all of the cells of the body and are concentrated in oocytes. As women and their ovaries age and oocyte mitochondrial energy production decreases, many of the normal processes of the oocyte become impaired. 

Dietary interventions and supplementation that support mitochondrial function may have a positive impact on pregnancy outcome for older women that have been diagnosed with either low ovarian reserve, high FSH or been told they are poor responders. Several promising studies published in recent years suggest an important role for these new supplemental therapies when used in conjunction with conventional assisted reproductive technologies. 

There is no doubt that chronological age matters; however, it is becoming increasingly evident that our biological age (determined by diet and lifestyle factors) matters too.

Recurrent Pregnancy Loss

Recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL) is traditionally defined as three or more consecutive miscarriages occurring before 20 weeks.  Imaging and blood tests are commonly used as diagnostic tools; however, in nearly half of all cases the underlying cause remains undiagnosed by conventional medicine. The known causes of RPL include:

  • Anatomical – structural uterine abnormalities

  • Genetic – chromosomal abnormalities

  • Hematological – thrombophilias including low folate status and anti-phospholipid syndrome

  • Endocrinological – luteal phase deficiency, hyperprolactinemia, PCOS, uncontrolled diabetes, insulin resistance and thyroid conditions

  • Immunologic – autoimmune and inflammatory conditions

  • Infectious – various bacterial and viral infections

  • Environmental – diet, obesity, emotional stress, and exposure to environmental toxins including hormone disruptors

  • Male factor infertility

Unexplained Infertility 

The infertility cause cannot be determined by conventional diagnostic procedures for up to 30% of couples. Such cases are referred to as “unexplained” or “idiopathic” infertility.   Naturopathic medicine can diagnose and treat some common causes of unexplained infertility including:

  • Cervical mucus abnormalities
  • Endometrial lining issues
  • Infections
  • Immunologic causes
  • Endometriosis
  • Hormonal Imbalances
  • Nutritional deficiencies
  • Environmental toxic exposures
  • Sperm DNA fragmentation


There are many reasons couples choose assisted reproductive technologies. An integrative approach that uses traditional medication in combination with evidence based, natural products has been shown to improve the success rate of ART.  Support through an IUI/IVF cycle involves stress reduction, optimizing egg and sperm quality, and preparing the uterus for implantation.

Acupuncture may be especially helpful to support IVF treatment. Studies suggest that treatment leading up to, and specifically pre and post embryo transfer, may help improve success rates of IVF. Ideally, treatment is commenced 3 months prior to treatment in order to best prepare your body.


Pregnancy and Postpartum

Pregnancy is an exciting time for women, but it also comes with many questions on how to optimize health for both mom and baby. Current research suggests that the choices made in pregnancy can shape a child’s health and determine the long-term risk for a growing number of diseases. Patient-centred medical care during pregnancy works with women to educate themselves about optimal nutrition, supplementation and lifestyle during pregnancy and also address any pregnancy related concerns that may arise. This care extends beyond birth to the “4th trimester” to support women during the postpartum period. 

Some of the common conditions treated with naturopathic medicine include:
  • Nausea and morning sickness

  • Constipation

  • Insomnia

  • Headaches and migraines

  • Group B Strep (GBS) prevention and treatment

  • Iron deficiency

  • Fatigue

  • Joint pain

  • Preeclampsia prevention and management

  • Depression and anxiety

  • Recurrent miscarriage

  • Gestational Diabetes prevention and management

  • Labour and delivery support

  • Breastfeeding support

  • Hypothyroidism


Chiropractic is concerned with the structural relationship between the spine, pelvis, and nervous system.  During pregnancy a woman’s body undergoes physical changes as well as hormonal and emotional changes. Chiropractic can help make pregnancy more comfortable and more enjoyable by working with a woman’s quickly changing body. 

The body experiences very rapid change during pregnancy such as increased weight gain, change in posture, and hormones which relax stabilizing ligaments. The changes are vital for growth and arrival of baby, but they can also interfere with other areas of life. Common complaints which can be alleviated with Chiropractic care include but are not limited to back pain, hip and pelvis pain, round ligament pain and pubic bone pain. 

Chiropractic care is a gentle, non-invasive approach to correcting and stabilizing the spine and pelvis. Completely safe throughout pregnancy, chiropractic care helps the body work better and ultimately, improve quality of life and potentially birth outcomes. 

After baby arrives, chiropractic is used to help the body recover and adapt to the new physical and emotional challenges of motherhood. Once the baby arrives, mom’s attention is focused on caring for the newborn. After delivery, the hormone relaxin, which keeps the ligaments soft and loose, is still produced for up to 6 months which increases vulnerability for joint pain. In addition, holding baby and breastfeeding/bottle feeding put tremendous stress on the neck, upper back, shoulder region, arms and lower back. Chiropractic care can help alleviate many symptoms that new moms experience.


A child’s early years – from before birth to age six – are very important. Healthy babies are more likely to develop into healthy children, and healthy children are more likely to grow up to be healthy teenagers and healthy adults. 

The purpose of a Healthy Baby/Healthy Child check-up is to help children get a healthy start in life. The program monitors the growth and development of your child through routinely scheduled visits. Physical examination, vital statistics, dietary intake, gross and fine motor skills and mental-cognitive development are checked for optimum health. Discussions around breastfeeding and food introduction focus on allergy prevention and optimal nutritional intake. Special diets can be assessed and modified to meet the needs of your growing child. In addition to the regularly scheduled healthy baby check-ups, natural treatment options are offered for newborn concerns, including acute infections, breastfeeding concerns, colic and skin conditions.  

Healthy Spine/Healthy Child

Finding a great pediatric chiropractor can help a child achieve a healthy functioning nervous system, that equates to a healthy mind, body, and spirit that is self-healing and self-regulating. Whether you are bringing your newborn in for a checkup or your child as they grow up, it is always a good time to get the spine checked and to prevent stresses on the spine and promote proper posture.

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