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Custom FOOT Orthotics

Your feet play an important role in your overall health and the foot’s biomechanics affect how the body moves and functions. If there are some biomechanical dysfunctions in foot and/or ankle, it can not only create some local symptoms but it can cause dysfunction further up the kinetic chain which can affect the knees, hips, low back and upper spine/neck.

 A custom foot orthotic is a device designed to align the foot and ankle into the most anatomically efficient position. They look like insoles, but are biomechanical medical appliances that are custom made to correct your specific foot imbalance.

Custom foot orthotics can help with the following:

  • Control biomechanical alignment

  • Correct or accommodate deformity

  • Protect and support an injury

  • Assist in rehabilitation

  • Reduce pain

  • Increase mobility

Orthotics have been shown to help with the following conditions:

  • Neck pain and headaches

  • Low back or hip pain

  • Iliotibial band (IT band) syndrome

  • Knee or ankle pain

  • Patella Femoral Pain (Runner’s Knee)

  • Painful or fallen arches

  • Shin Splints

  • Plantar Faciitis

  • Morton’s Neuroma

  • Metatarsalgia

At Mint Integrative Health, we use the newest technology to do a 3D scan of the feet, along with a full biomechanical assessment and gait analysis to create the right orthotic for our patients.


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