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We are all intimately familiar with the word “STRESSED” and use it often in describing how we feel at the end of a rough day.  Stress is defined as “anything that causes marked deviation from the normal resting state in the active organs” and can take many forms. 

The main types of stressors are:
Physical or mechanical i.e. injury, heat or cold, illness
Chemical i.e. toxins in our environment, diet, medications
Mental/Emotional i.e.  workplace, death of a family member, finances

Regardless of the type of stress imposed, activation of the innate “fight or flight” response occurs. This is mediated through our central nervous system & creates a cascade of hormone release & stimulation of specific body systems. Increased heart rate, blood pressure, blood glucose, cortisol & cholesterol are just a few things that occur during the stress response.

These changes in the body’s normal balance (homeostasis) are designed as a short-term survival mechanism, but when they become chronic, adaptability is being taxed to the limit and physiological (cellular) dysfunction can result.  When under a chronic stress load, the body eventually establishes a new “setpoint” that matches the perceived environmental demand. There are some that believe that virtually every major health issue in society today is a result of adaptation to ongoing stress. 


How does this apply to Chiropractic?

Chiropractic endeavors to provide care that will support the human being’s natural abilities to adapt to the environment and maintain and/or regain homeostasis and health by providing a stimulus to the nervous system to “reset”.  This is the main goal of the adjustment.

Spinal dysfunction and pain can also be considered stressors.  Improper motion in joints and altered proprioceptive (movement) input to the central nervous system can create a vicious cycle of inflammation, degeneration & increased susceptibility to injury. There is also some research suggesting that, over time, chronically decreased proprioceptive input can affect areas of the brain, causing changes in emotion, cognition, visceral function (including immunity), movement and muscle tone & posture.  Chiropractic adjustments stimulate these proprioceptive nerve fibers.

Your doctor will always be open to discussing holistic ways to help you manage stress including supplements, exercise, meditation or other therapies.

We live in a stressful world. Anything that can help you cope with this in the most natural way possible sounds good, doesn’t it?

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