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Many people enter Chiropractic offices with a goal of improving “bad posture”.  Poor posture doesn’t occur overnight, it often takes many years to develop.  Postural strain is often a large contributor to neck & back pain, headaches and shoulder problems.

Some of the factors contributing to altered posture include: 

  • Injuries such as car accidents, falls or broken bones.

  • Habits such as carrying a heavy bag over one shoulder or sleeping on your stomach.

  • Activities such as sports or playing a musical instrument

  • Poor ergonomics at work or when using personal devices such as cell phones.

  • Genetics such as flat feet or scoliosis

Our nerves carry messages to and from every part of our bodies and the brain – this communication essential for all body processes including how we react to gravity. PROPRIOCEPTORS are specific nerve fibers that signal your brain as to the position of your body in space, providing constant feedback as to the length of muscles, ligaments & joint position. 

Decreased or inappropriate motion in joints causes improper distribution of forces and increased stress on that area, eventually creating excess wear and tear.  This in turn can contribute to a vicious cycle of injury, compensatory muscle & ligament tension/strain, nerve irritation and inflammation.  Abnormal proprioception occurs, and the nervous system no longer senses abnormal movement “patterns” due to improper feedback. Adaptation & altered tissue memory occurs – the result is “bad posture” as well as decreased range of motion, and eventually degenerative (arthritic) change in the involved area(s).

How can Chiropractic help POSTURE?


Your Chiropractor is trained to assess your overall alignment & mobility, checking for normal spinal curves, shoulder, hip, knee & foot positioning and ranges of motion.


The quick, light movement of an adjustment is designed to take the joint through its normal range of motion, stimulating the nervous system by sending new signals back to the brain.  This encouraging new tissue memory and NORMALIZES PROPRIOCEPTION by “resetting” the feedback loop. Eventually, with repetition & re-enforcement, the body will be able to maintain proper mechanics in that area, creating an improved movement “pattern” = better posture!


Increased awareness of posture during daily activities is essential.  Your doctor can give you practical tips to help with this.


An appropriate exercise program to improve flexibility as well as strengthening your core & stabilizing muscles will assist your body in maintaining better movement patterns.


Custom orthotics can provide a balanced base if foot structure is contributing to altered posture, or your doctor can advise you on proper footwear for your specific issues.


Certain supplements or dietary changes can also help decrease inflammation and aid in maintaining optimal joint health. 

With posture, it is best to remember this: “If you don’t MOVE it, you LOSE it”!

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